“Spray Spray, Sachet away!” To everyone who is as addicted to the new Queer Eye show as I am …
It is no secret that I am all in for this clean beauty movement. It was just a matter of time before I ventured into homemade, organic perfumes. Especially ones that involve re-purposing Chelsea’s college era collection of ultra high proof, disgustingly low quality vodka. I have a vague memory of trying to enhance and “distill” these cheap treasures in a Brita water filter…. More on that never.
Besides the campy fun, you should seriously care about ridding your supply of designer perfumes because, chemicals!
Chemicals kids… in perfumes they get absorbed right into your bloodstream with each delicate spritz to the neck, AND companies can hide egregiously harmful concoctions under the umbrella term “perfume” or “fragrance” without having to disclose what is actually used. Those same chemicals have been linked to reproductive issues, cancer, allergies and more. I know, I ruin everything.
Or… I’m saving you from a life drenched in offensively noxious odors when you could be opting for something subtle, natural, and lovely – and for a cost so low you’ll be coming into Beckett to hug me.
Let the fun begin!
Note to the minimal effort DIY-ers, this is very minimal effort. It only takes a few minutes!
1) Pick A Vodka With A Very High Percentage Of Alcohol
You need over 90% alcohol (almost no water) to make sure that chemically the oils and smells mix with the preservative effectively. Water, which is in lower percentage alcohols, will make the oils separate.
2) Pick Your 3 Favorite Essential Oils!
Ok so this step is the only hard part of this science experiment! You need 3 different scents in 3 different note* categories. I chose Vanilla, Sandalwood, and Tangerine.
I have read a few different articles that list Vanilla as a base note and not a middle note – but in the end these are suggestions. It doesn’t matter as long as it creates a scent you like!
Know what kind of scents you like: floral, earthy, citrus, musty, clean, feminine, etc. Then play with how you want to layer scents in that category!
BASE NOTES: Base notes take the longest to maturate, and will be the scent that creates an undertone and will linger when the others fade.
. Vanilla | Ginger | Frankincense | Cinnamon | Vetiver | Sandalwood
MIDDLE NOTES: According to sources, most essential oils are considered middle notes and they add depth and warmth to your sent. They are the heart of the perfume and mixes best with your top notes.
. Lavender | Chamomile | Pine | Geranium | Juniper | Cypress | Nutmeg | Rose
TOP NOTES: Top notes give the impression of the scent and are usually light, airy, uplifting and fresh. They also tend to have anti-viral properties? Who knew. They evaporate the fastest.
. Lemon | Eucalyptus | Tea Tree | Mint | Bergamot | Sage | Tangerine
HERE is a good article that has some suggested combos if you have no idea
where to start!
3) Use An Organic Cold Pressed Carrier Oil
I used Avocado oil because its a carrier oil with mild to no scent that stays liquid no matter the temperature. Carrier oils keep your essential oil perfumes lasting longer when applied to skin – rather than just evaporating. This oil has added benefits in that is is GREAT for your skin and hair.
Side note – the super expensive department store perfumes (full of toxins) actually evaporate really fast because they are not oil based and contain lots of water, leaving you to apply more and spend more of course!
4) Use A Dark Tinted Glass Roller Bottle And A Dropper
The cute little corked bottle I posted in the cover photo is PURELY for looks…because I am all about those aesthetics! However for your real life perfume goals, you are definitely going to want to buy a pack of these Dark Tinted Rollers.
The dark tinted glass filters out harmful light and will keep your perfumes fresh and smelling wonderful! The stainless steel roller ball is much better for application and they also happen to be the perfect size to throw in your purse! For added longevity, keep your scents in the fridge. You can buy clear glass ones too (better for gifts) but they have less UV protection.
Some oils come with a plastic dropper, but if they don’t you will definitely want one of those both to have more control over each drop, and to keep things a little cleaner (it can get messy).
5) Combine All Your Ingredients!
Fill up a little less than half your bottle with carrier oil.
Add your essential oils! Start with your base notes then add your middle and top notes. I started with about 10 drops of each oil for a 10 ML glass roller and then added more drops of whatever I wanted to change the sent profile.
Add your alcohol last! You only need a touch – about 2 ounces – of alcohol to keep everything preserved. However, once added, your whole concoction will smell like vodka for a while so add it only after you are happy with the scent.
In fact, while you can use your perfume right away, it will take about a week for the alcohol smell to disappear. If you use your perfume within the first week, it will just take a few minutes for that smell to leave your skin while the essential oil smells last all day, so no biggy!
Shake it up to combine.
Have fun experimenting!
I loved the perfume I created. I smell softly like an orange creamsicle and I am not mad about it! Its yummy, citrusy fresh, and makes me happy.
Let me know how yours turns out!
XOXO – Chelsea